> 1.2005.t.April.Madison

show in the park

show in the park

show in the park

show in the park

show in the park

show in the park cold....



jacqui & ryan

jacqui & ryan

my gracious hosts for the first two nights in madison. jacqui recently decided to pursue a graduate degree in english, and ryan is hard at work at his IT based job while doing some good dj stuff.



recently engaged and plugging along in school.

botanical gardens

botanical gardens

a thai pagoda donated to the botanical gardens

botanical gardens

botanical gardens

insde the pagoda

botanical gardens

botanical gardens


botanical gardens

botanical gardens

botanical gardens

botanical gardens

botanical gardens

botanical gardens

botanical gardens

botanical gardens

brian, mike, tim

brian, mike, tim

only one of these guys lives in this house, yet on this day, all three contributed to the probably 10,000 hands of internet poker played there.



lunch break from the hotel where she does event planning and sales. emily claims to miss tfg. ok, maybe that's a lie.

sean & marian

sean & marian

after dinner at maharajah