> Vancouver

7th Heaven

7th Heaven

Above the Clouds

Above the Clouds



Atop Blackcomb

Atop Blackcomb

Oliver straight ballin'

Oliver straight ballin'

Grape Ape

Grape Ape

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

Standing: Oliver, Gerald, John, Shelley, Elizabeth, Wei loong, me. Sitting: Tes, Jeannette, Tyan

Dosa Hut

Dosa Hut

We have Pizza Hut. Vancouver has Dosa Hut. How Lucky!

Cribbage Champion

Cribbage Champion

Gerald & me

Gerald & me

Farmer Jake & me

Farmer Jake & me

John & Jeannette

John & Jeannette

Tes & Oliver

Tes & Oliver

Tes, Beef, Oliver

Tes, Beef, Oliver

Oliver and me

Oliver and me