Updated Itinerary as of June 29, 2004
I've planned a tentative itinerary for my trip out west. It's going to be a ton of fun, and hopefully will let me figure out where I will move next year. I will give you updates as they become available. If you're interested in joining me for any part of the trip, let me know.
9 Drive from Milwaukee, WI to Oshkosh, WI
10-11 Oshkosh, WI
12-13 Stevens Point, WI
14-15 Eau Claire, WI
16 Drive to Miles City, MT
17 Drive to Spokane, WA
18 Drive to Seattle, WA
19 Seattle, WA
20-26 Vancouver, BC
27 Drive to Portland, OR
28 Portland, OR
29 Drive to Redding, CA
30 Drive to San Francisco, CA
1 San Francisco, CA / Oakland, CA
2 Drive to San Diego, CA
3-13 San Diego, CA
14 Irvine, CA
15 Drive to Las Vegas, NV
16-17 Las Vegas, NV
18 Drive to Richfield, UT
19 Drive to Limon, CO
20 Drive to Topeka, KS
21 Drive to St. Louis, MO
22 St. Louis, MO
23 Drive to Chicago, IL
24 Drive home to Milwaukee, WI
O.K. I understand this is all driving and mostly staying with people you know but how the hell can you fund this trip let alone be able to take 2 months out of your life with no income at all....HOW???? Tell me 'cuz I want that ability myself.
Posted by: sean | 18.04.2004 at 21:18
Well, I just sold my condo, and I've been diligently selling digital products on Magic Online for the last few months. It's one of the only jobs where I can work while writing papers at the same time. Also, I'll probably be working a weekend for a friend at Magic Regionals which should be ILL cash for 2 days work. Oh yeah, and I quit my meth habit.
Posted by: waiken | 19.04.2004 at 01:56
Sell Out! Quitter! Meth never hurt anyone..hehe.
Sounds like an awesome trip!
Posted by: jmack | 19.04.2004 at 07:42
I just realized when you're actually out there you will be a westward ho.
Posted by: sean | 19.04.2004 at 16:19
Westward Ho just runs off the tounge better than westward pimp or playa.
Posted by: jmack | 20.04.2004 at 10:05
Wow, looks like a couple of you guys drank too much haterade recently. Time to dry out and get back to knowing your roles...laying by your bowls.
Posted by: waiken | 20.04.2004 at 14:37