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O.K. I understand this is all driving and mostly staying with people you know but how the hell can you fund this trip let alone be able to take 2 months out of your life with no income at all....HOW???? Tell me 'cuz I want that ability myself.


Well, I just sold my condo, and I've been diligently selling digital products on Magic Online for the last few months. It's one of the only jobs where I can work while writing papers at the same time. Also, I'll probably be working a weekend for a friend at Magic Regionals which should be ILL cash for 2 days work. Oh yeah, and I quit my meth habit.


Sell Out! Quitter! Meth never hurt anyone..hehe.
Sounds like an awesome trip!


I just realized when you're actually out there you will be a westward ho.


Westward Ho just runs off the tounge better than westward pimp or playa.


Wow, looks like a couple of you guys drank too much haterade recently. Time to dry out and get back to knowing your roles...laying by your bowls.

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