so i got the temporary "nesting" shift that i wanted, t-sat 8-5. this allowed me to have a 3 day weekend in eau claire and minnesota with regi and at maggie's relatives place, and is also going to allow me to go see rush! le cheer!
so this "job tour" will end in a week and a half now, so i'm bidding for the next tour. it's all based on seniority, and i am 100 out of 125 currently. thankfully there are three more classes starting every three weeks for the next little while, so my seniority should shoot up as a few drop off, and more people join. hopefully i will be say, 95 out of 280 by year end. who knows.
i'm pretty pumped about rush. obviously.
played in a 10 person tournament at regi's while in eau claire. we got to use his sexy-ass paulson chips and his custom poker table. i'm very jealous. good news though, i won. woot!
went to roger's house and found he had the 80s version of guitar hero. got to play asia's heat of the moment, and winger's 17. pretty funny.
over labor day weekend, we went to one of maggie's pal's aunt's house on genesse lake. it was a fun relaxing time with vino, funny music, and swimming.
saw jet li's new movie, war. it's horrible. absolutely terrible. i almost cried.
today i'm back to the grind. making curry tonite. life is good.