photos to be posted soon.
lately, i'm the worst at updating this thing. i've been pretty busy doing minor projects around the house and finally have it almost how we want it. as we're getting hammered with an inordinate amount of snow lately, shoveling is in the mix of weekly activities. i've forgotten how much i actually like how i feel after shoveling. generally i think about all the people around the city probably having heart attacks, and am thankful that i'm not one of them. then i go inside, sweaty and tired, and take a shower.
we haven't gotten out for any showboarding yet, but plan to in the next few weeks, perhaps after the holidays. i'm working christmas eve, but am off christmas and new years. as i'm away from the folks for christmas for the first time ever, we're heading to her family's place for christmas eve, and then to the bussler's on christmas day. should be enjoyable.
i was able to get off for the week of chyi's wedding in may, so a trip to paris is in the near future. most likely, we'll be going to prague with lih-jen for a few days before that, then finish the trip in paris. i'm excited for chyi and jonas. if all goes well, we'll be able to hit singapore in december of 2008.
all of my christmas shopping is done and 90% of the presents are wrapped. that's a record for me. generally by this time, i've not started shopping yet. yay me!
my car's driver side front window decided to cause problems for me the other day. as i was trying to roll it down, the power window groaned then i heard a crack, then the window dropped down inside the door. it was 15 degrees out and the wind was blowing. i was late to work, much to my dismay. i taped up the window with a plastic bag and lived that way for 48 hours or so, including driving (dressed up) to a holiday party for maggie's work. eventually, i had a guy who was recommended to me by my normal mechanic look at it and he said that he could get it to the point where it was up but could not roll down. it only set me back $60 and he's looking into the piece i need. can't say i'm a big fan of ye olde jetta. it's one thing after another.
in poker news, our monthly league is going well. this month we had the biggest turnout ever: 27 people. that's 26 boys and 1 girl, maggie. guess who won? well, i took 5th and of course, my ultra-cool superspy secret ninja girl took 1st. when asked what happened, she said "it's because we watched rounders the night before." can't argue with that. she took great joy in telling all the boys they'd been beaten by a girl. oh wait that was me who said that. in any case, i'm 1st overall, and maggie has catapulted up to 5th place overall out of 35 people. congrats, mags!
tyan managed to maintain her position at work was 10th place overall in the state for sales AND got a promotion. congrats tyan!
more soon, i promise. love you all, and happy holidays to you and your families.